Sunday, April 19, 2009


hey, I have my very own miserable little punk jagoff heckler on VFTB. Dave. Argumentative little liberal snot -- you should see his blog -- oh, good God. I threw up a little reading it.

Cubs are hanging in there nicely, despite Milkit's nonexistance and some injuried. Soriano, I'm happy to say, is looking good and that's a huge plus. Let us hope that he stays healthy.

I think as the weather warms, we'll see better starting pitching from the crew -- longer outings, anyway. We need another quality lefthander in the bullpen because that would make a total of one.

I've been working a lot; so hopefully blog absence makes the heart grow fonder, and you'll all continue to check this site and be patient. I should be back in full force as the season moves along...

More later. Or not.



cap'n obvious said...

oooh, an argumentative liberal jesus freak...against the death penalty. Lives in southern California. He ought to have a sit down with Nick Adenhart's parents and tell them all about how horrific the death penalty is.

Neal Cotts is horrible. I can say that here. On VFTB, fourteen Cub apologists will come back with "its only been three weeks, etc." It hasn't. Neal Cotts hasn't been good since he left the White Sox. Hate to say I agree with Sherm, but having Dunn instead of Milkit, Hendry would have an extra $5 million laying around to get the bullpen straightened out.

If you need help with work, hire someone. I hear there are a few unemployed people in Orange County. Maybe they can all go to law school on their church's dime...

Doc Raker said...

Good to see you are back. I am happy to see Fukudome looks good, let's see in July how he is doing. The bullpen worries me as done AAron Miles who looks like he belongs in Randy's camp, not Lou's.

Soriano looks like he wants to get back to the 40/40 year, I hope so.

Liberals are so fun to debate with, logic is never on a liberal's side.

Dev Penulte said...

I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it was funny as hell, Raker! in Double A - Ron. Umm...just thinking that DeRosa might've been better than him as a utility guy. Oh wait, DeRosa bats righty and we have too many of those.

Those switch hitters we got in the offseason (Badly and Double A) are sure kicking some ass and knocking in some runs, aren't they?

Cap'n O -- I'd hire someone in a minute, but they all want money. I need an intern who is willing to work in exchange for wit and wisdom.

I'd hire Dave the Heckler but I'm sure he's happy with the welfare check and gov't cheese.

Jessie Jaxon said...

Is it true that Obama is considering adding "government beer" to the "government cheese" handout? Because, as he says "you've got to have somethin' to drink with yo cheese."

dave said...

"Barrowed Money" What a delightful typo.

Now that I've found your haunt, expect me to snipe at your conservative crap at will (ie George Will). Spending money by the wheelbarrow would not have been necessary if the prior regime of criminals hadn't decided to go way into hock to invade foreign countries that had pantsed his father.

shermrants said...

Dave, is that you? If so, you really aren't welcome here. Post all the shit you want on VFTB -- I don't care -- but this site is just for a small group of friends, and you are not a friend.

No, I am not fucking around, or being funny, or being oppositionist. I am serious. I will continue to debate on VFTB from time to time; all good natured fun. But this place is not for you. You aren't welcome here.


dave said...

Free country...Free speech...keep your eyes peeled.

cap'n obvious said...

if the lover of the minimum wage earner wants to snipe around here, maybe we should visit his "everyone is equal" and "no one should be put to death,no matter what the crime" web blog, and pass along some of our opinions over there. It's easy to pass judgement on those that work hard and make a nice living when you are being supported by church groups and labor unions. What if you had to actually produce something? I'm ok with SKILLED labor unionizing, but candystripers and babysitters do not have the viable skill make themselves worth more than they currently get. It's called a market economy...we used to have one here in the US.

69 fan said...

Nice to see you back in the game Sherm.

Fuko looks good, Milkit's obp is ok, but I'm willing to wait before condemning him too early.

Cotts is worse than useless.
I was out of town visiting the parents over the weekend and saw Fridays game. When Cotts came in, I said out loud " Oh, fuck". And was proven right.
I like Marmol and Heilman, feel so-so on Gergg, and not sure with Patton. Vizqueen and Cots can find another job.

Re: VTFB, Click on Dave the jokers name and go to a lala land of religion fixes all. If you want to get a scientist going, start with religion. It might be fun to make fun of him at his site, but judging from the effort we've put in on opponents blogs, maybe conserving our efforts would be sanest.

Doc Raker said...

The AAron Miles was intentional as is Korey Patterson, AA for should be in the minor leagues and "K" for Korey since ......well I don't think I need to explain that.

Dear Dave
GWB was no friend of the free market, he spent like a drunken liberal. I am always amused when one comments on poor economic policy and all a liberal has to say is to berate GWB and then applaud the current jackass as if he is really different. Sure, maybe they are spending our money on different things but they both spend our money and our childrens and grandchildrens money ill advised slowly chipping away at our liberty. Tyranny from the left or right is still tyranny.

As far as I am concerned you aren't welcome here either.

Anonymous said...

Dear 69, what did you mother say when you retorted OH f at the sight of the great ISU star Neal Cotts. I'm sure she thought that was special. Where's smitty, he tells me he'll be at opening day, he'll get back to me then nothing? i went but didn't see smitty. If anyone is in town for the marlins series, please give me a call, as we are hosting a rooftop party for FRI'S GAME 5/1/09 and it would be great to see some of you guys, not Dave though, if sherm don't like him I'm all in on that one. J Salzeider

Melee In Mesa Dodgers said...

Smitty got picked off at the bus stop on his way to the game. It ruined his entire day and was so upset blew off opening day.

69 fan said...

John, I don't think my mom was in the room, and dad was likely asleep, but cursing is not a great offence in the house I grew up in.
Some what interesting side note. Saturday Cub games have been a long time source of irritation to me. I subscribe to MLB.TV, and to Direct TVs Baseball package, and get local, East coast and West coast Fox feeds. I rarely get to watch an afternoon cub game on TV due to Fox's contract with MLB and the fact that they usually have a Yankee game on. Pisses me off, just saying.
So this Saturday, lounging at the folks house, I had my laptop (on my lap) listening to Pat and Ron thru the computer, and watching MLB's Gamecast on the computer screen. The radio feed is about 20 seconds ahead of the game cast. From past experience, the video feed is about 30 seconds behind the gamecast, so delayed around a minute. I have impressed visitors to my office by telling them what will happen on the next pitch. I should try Vegas.

Oh yeah, on the TV during all this was the Yankees giving up 14 runs in the 2nd inning. My dad slept thru it. Derosa went yard that game, everyone in the Indians lineup scored in the second inning. Couldn't happen to a nicer team (the Yanks).

5 hour drive home just in time to catch the Cubs-Cards on Sunday night Baseball. Great weather here, can't figure out why they cancelled. I guess Johnny Southsider gets to go to a day night in July and figure out what to do with himself between games.
And John, thanks for the offer of tickets, but you do realize you are the only one who reads shermrants who lives within a thousand miles of Chicago, don't you? Except maybe Dave the Holy Roller.

Joe Aiello said...


I have the exact same issue with Fox. I had hoped that when I got a converter box for my tv in the office, perhaps Fox would have an alternate feed of another game. No such luck. If I pay for the Extra Innings, I shouldn't get screwed on Saturdays. Absolute garbage.

Anonymous said...

The Fox thing pisses me off also. The only way around it is use a friends address in the Chicago area for your Direct TV address and then you will get the MidWest game feed and the Comcast Chicago Sports feed instead of your local feed. I haven't done that yet, but we should. John S, would you mind getting my direct TV bills and forwarding them to me?

Anonymous said...

The Fox thing pisses me off also. The only way around it is use a friends address in the Chicago area for your Direct TV address and then you will get the MidWest game feed and the Comcast Chicago Sports feed instead of your local feed. I haven't done that yet, but we should. John S, would you mind getting my direct TV bills and forwarding them to me?

Libby Pinko said...

Y'all watch too much television. You should be spending time helping illegals cross into the US instead.

Anonymous said...

Doc, your rant lost me at side note but i always appreciate a rant from the washington elite. J Salzeider

Major Confused said...

you got all the way to side note? I am impressed.

Joe Aiello said...

The change of address thing works? It can't possibly work that easy.

Smitty said...

I did miss opening apologies to Salzeider.

I was with my brother in Bloomington and he is still recovering from his heart transplant.

I thought it necessary to spend time with him vs a cold rainy opening day.

I did miss hanging with you though
