Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All Star Break Rant

Fuck the All Star break. I hate it. I'm glad that every Cub got to rest.

I'm glad that the American League won -- especially if the World Series ends up being the Cubs and the Angels and if it goes seven games -- because then I can see four games in person in AnaAngeles. Or Los Anaheim. Whatever. Maybe I can even get to Wrigley for one. That'd be good. I would not hate that.

I did not watch the game, because I did not give a shit.

Here's a question for you guys. I may have an opportunity to throw out the first pitch at a Pirate Game in August (against the Cardinals) -- one of the companies I work with made a donation and bought a shitload of seats for this we are in the running (with 14 others) to be drawn for this "honor." If drawn, they said they'd let me do it. I'm perhaps the only one who could get the ball to all the way to the catcher. Whatever. I'm 50 now. Maybe not.

Here's the question: If selected -- do I wear a Cub jersey and hat?



69 fan said...

Yeah, I think I would at least show up with my Cub uni. But don't be surprises if some marketing dweeb makes you take it off.
I also did not see a single pitch of the ASG, but only because I was building a fence. It was only 85 out last night, and will be right at 100 for the next 5 days , so my best opportunity.

cap'n obvious said...

of course you do. I think you borrow Mark Decarlo's cub jersey, just so the 114 Pirate fans in attendance will hate you even more.

The game was a snooze, you missed nothing. A buddy of mine in St. Loo caled me this morning to tell me about the absolute pain in the ass it was to get to the game, with cousin Barack being there. They crawled up his ass with a microscope at the gate...and eveyone had to be inside the stadium by 1 hour pregame. They shut down highways all over the place, too. More solid use of tax dollars...

cap'n obvious said...

isn't there a guy you can pay to build a fence?

69 fan said...

Yes, but you can't imagine how fat I would be if I didn't do manual labor. Cardiology pays well, but does not burn a lot of calories.

Doc Raker said...

No, that would be disrespectful. Be a good guest, not a jackass. Do take a Cubs pin or medallion and bury it somehwere on the field.

Saw an inning or two of the ASG. Just doesn't seem to hold the same awe as when I was a kid. Maybe because I am older maybe because it is so heavily produced I see how contrieved it is. My son seemed to like it so maybe it is cool for him.

The HR derby is aweful, I hate seeing the MLB network replay those things, they are better off showing games from the Sunday Valley Rec League.

cap'n O said...

I love how the guy who couldn't hang for 2 minites in the Sunday valley rec league runs smack about it. Get your own blog Doc Blooper.

SotoMayor said...

Doc Raker didn't run smack about Capn Obvious's Sunday rec league. Mr. Raker actually said it would be better TV than the HR derby, why is that smack? Why does the Capn have to disparage others as baseball players? Does it make the Capn a better person if he is a better baseball player (which he is not). Mr. Raker does not think he is better than others just because he can hit a baseball farther than most others including the capn or field a baseball more proficiently than the capn at all nine positions on the field, well maybe not so much in the outfield these days.

How do you know what Valley he was even talking about Mr. Capn? Why does it have to be your Sunday Valley Rec League, there are many valley's across America and I would sermise televising anyone of those valley's Sunday Rec League over the HR derby would be a better use of a satellite signal. I hate Chris Berman being near a microphone at a baseball park, he is the worst baseball announcer known to the non Islamic world. He has that contrived HR call, backbackbackback. If he didn't realize the ball was going out and it goes out before he got into his backback call he starts to do it after the ball has left the park. That's illegal, you can't pretend the ball hasn't left the yard just to do some stupid call you made up while practicing in front of your bathroom mirror. Chris Berman is a football dufus, he belongs locked up in the basement of NFL Films.

Why does the Capn hate others because they look better than he in his pinstripes? What can the highest court say Capn, throw in a salad once in a while, take a jog, lift a dumbell here and there.

I judge on the facts of the case set before me and how they apply to the Constitution. This all star break is not a constitutional right to be broadcast. If I am appointed Supreme Court Justice Sunday Rec Baseball for all, equal access with public supporting those who have not.

Smitty said...

Wear a Cubs Jersey with No pants.

Lots of ball action during your pitch. If you pitch the same way you play catcher...could be interesting!

U guys missed me?


Salzeider said...

On a Side note,I have 5 new players for the cubs team in the pre camp tourney. If we get Doc heart this year it could make for some interesting times.

Doc Raker said...

Ya, lets do a Cub team at the Melee in Mesa this year. That would be fun.

69 fan said...

I was already planning on it.

Doc Raker said...

Sherm? Can you break away from Chucky Cheese in late January for the Melee in Mesa?

What about King Coffe Bean?

I know fantasy ball is beneath the capn but if you can ever set your ego aside do join us.

Doc Raker said...

Does anyone else think Kevin Gregg is really Smitty? I have never seen the two in the same room at the same time and the resemblance is obvious.

Unknown said...

COunt me in....Working on the main income source went South July 1st.

Looking in Texas and Chicago.....for a job boys.
If you hear of anything let me know.....

I will do the tournament....Hundley...hard to say.


Unknown said...

Whos Kevin Gregg?

Austin Bibens-Dirkx said...

Waiting, waiting, waiting. Good thing we don't depend on Sherm for entertainment.

shermrants said...

Waiting, waiting, waiting. Good thing we don't depend on Sherm for entertainment.

That would be in a grey box if this were a good blog.

I've been a bad blogger this year. Sorry. I'll be better next year. Or not.

I don't get the Chucky Cheese reference earlier. I look like a mouse?


Doc Raker said...

Chucky Cheese? I was taking a guess and where you might be hanging out. You have grandchild don't you? I wasn't talking about how you look.