Thursday, March 19, 2009


I can't take the Muskblog any longer. Our inane banter and underwhelming repartee actually improves the readability of the blog. Hard to believe that intentional idiocy brings up the level of intelligence of the blog. I don't even read her blogs. I look on the sidebar to see who has commented where and then I go to that one. Just for grins, we might have to declare a Muskatorium for one week. She'll wonder what went wrong. She was doing so well.

I'm watching Korea play Japan in the World Baseball TOURNAMENT. Boring. Good practice for the vendors in San Diego, though, to get used to serving those Padre sized crowds (1800 or so.)
This whole thing should take place after the season. It's absurd to hold it now.

I am seriously considering Shermgear. You'll see.

More later. Or not.

By the way -- yes...Adam Dunn made a couple of errors to hurt team USA. Note: he is leading the team by hitting .368 with 3 bombs and 9 rbi's. And they are in the semifinals.



Anonymous said...

What's disappointing about the Muscrat blog is there is no other blather to comment on, it's only us. No one is taking the bait.

Marshall is the number 5 starter and SI has an article on the virue's of Adam Dunn. If only one of us spoke up about the Cubs signing Adam Dunn in the off season.

I will be at Don and Charlie's next Sunday March 30 for a ST trip dinner, bash brothers welcome.

69 fan said...

I am enjoying the muskblog banter, but could be persuaded to take a week off for effect. I especially enjoy it when some ass kissing goober head answers one of my inane suggestions as if it were a seriously posed question. There are a few taking the bait, but most probably see it for what it is, satire. The beauty of it probably is only best appreciated by ourselves, but look at the brown nosing comments Reed gets, all these douche bags think that by commenting to him they will suddenly be invited to his house for dinner. I harbor no such illusions.
I vacillate on what ms. muskrat must think of our chats, but likely she would think like a celebrity. Any publicity is good. If people come to see what the chuckle heads say, they likely read her pablum as well. I read it solely as a launching point for some satire. The content for the most part is not all that newsworthy.

So, Sherm, as our leader, if you want to take a sabbatical, I will follow, but frequent recurrences, even if for my own amusement, is the tonic the doctor ordered.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we all go on the Cardinals blog and start ripping into POOholes. I'll go first.

Anonymous said...

I went second.

You have to admit that their blogger kicks our blogger's ass.

We get "Mike Fontenot is going to be on TV!" They get actual baseball news.

Perhaps we should "take a blog tour of the MLB" this season. Spend a week on each team's blog commenting copiously (apparently that means "a lot") and then vanishing as we head for the next.



69 fan said...

The Cardinals guy actually answers back thru comments. It's hard to get into their blog as most of the players are young, but taking potshots without making it obvious that we are fans of another team could be fun.

Maybe we could go after the blogs of who ever we are playing. start a day before the series does and move about the league. the comments will need to be voluminous to be noticed however, so a little help from our friends would be nice.

Anonymous said...

I like the way yous think. Let's reek some havoc.

69 fan said...

Man did I get a rise out of Cardinal fans AND the blogmaster by asking if this years line up would be embarrassing. Easy fishing.

Anonymous said...

I saw sanguineblue is crazy. The blog master even went after you. They aren't to upset about losing automatic out Aaron Miles.

Let's keep fishing for irate Cardinal fan.

69 fan said...

Is Shermrants dead?

Doc Raker said...

Where's Sherm? Over at that white washed cartoon version of Sherm on the holy roller blog?