Monday, May 25, 2009

Ooh, that smell

Remember that old Lynyrd Skynyrd song? It keeps running through my head as I watch this team bumble it's way back below .500 -- the losing streak is now at 8. But Milkit had two hits and four rbi's -- so it's all good. Too small a sample size to worry, right? Wrong. You should worry and worry hard about this team.

Even our good luck is bad luck -- Pirates closer gets knocked out by a Soto they have to throw a lefty at Hoffpauir. I'd have liked to have seen him hit off Capps.

I only saw the last two innings -- but it wasn't terribly impressive.

Raker wanted to know if I've been curled up in a fetal position moaning about not having Adam Dunn's bat in the lineup. Well, yes. Of course. Who hasn't? Dunn has 14 dingers and 40 rbis. Oh, yes, and he plays every day. He's not a pussy. He'd look awfully good in the middle of our lineup wouldn't he?

Fire Gerald Perry. Just do it. Promote Von Joshua. Or hire anybody else...this offense needs a change. And if it's not Perry -- made it should be {gasp} Piniella. Maybe he's gone completely barking mad and really doesn't have any idea how to manage a baseball team anymore. Could be. Shake things up -- however you must -- and do it soon.

Oh. One more thing. Fuck Ricketts and the financing he can't seem to get and let Mark Cuban buy the Cubs.

I'm way too pissed to post elsewhere.



Doc Raker said...

Let's see, we have very good pitching for a week and can't score and then when we do score we give up 10 runs. Nice, the stink year disaster continues, small sample size though.

I think Geo is going to be fine.
I think Fontenot will be fine going back to a back up righty matchup guy.
I think Dlee is Ddone as a 3-4 hitter.
I think if we wait for ARam to come back it will be too late.

I think Lou and Hendry need to make some changes quickly.

69 fan said...

You do know that last night broke a cub streak of 6 straight quality starts. Hard to get too excited about acquiring a Starting pitcher of any caliber. What does need upgrade is the Miles/ Freel combo, and I agree fontenot should go back to platooning. Who would I like to see? DeRosa, or perhaps Brian Roberts. Jim needs to get busy.
We could also jettison Cotts. He's worse that worthless. let Sherm replace him on the roster, the ERA would be the same. However, there may not be much out there to add in the way of bullpen help. Most middle relievers basically suck. The ones that are good, usually are so for a short period of time, get a fat raise, then get cut the next year. May be that would be the only reason to get Peavey, so one of the successful starters could go to the pen.
I'm not actually sure Hardon is hurt. I think it was a convenient way to make a roster move for Z to come back. Hardon gets his rest, and Cotts stays employed for 2 more weeks.

Doc Raker said...

Keep the rook Wells and jetsam Cotts, who cares which arm he uses to get people out as long as he can get people out. The Angels won a division a few years ago without a lefty in the pen for a portion of the season if not all of the season. To get the actual fact on that just post it on VFTB and Dave will blue box the quote and say something like, "really 48 days without a lefty reliever equals a season to you, really?"

Nice post Sherm, over at the View the post was about being sad. "Oh, I am sad my Cubs are losing." Really, 'sad' is the feeling of the day.

I am not sad, I am in shock in how Hendry could actually think these moves he made in the offseason could work.

It is now a train wreck that I have to watch unfold, how bad will it really get. Will Big Z punch Hasbro after he takes a K and bitches at the ump one more time. Remember, I predicted Big Z and Hasbro would go at it before the all star break, the perfect storm may be brewing. How sad would I be if Big Z knocked a few teeth out of Hasbro's mouth? Not.

Snarky said...

It's all good. The Cubs are just unlucky. Dave says so...and that condascending, belligerent, nitpicking, oppositionist little punk couldn't be wrong.