Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ah, the lingering images from the melee...

Juan Pierre Raker slapping singles all over the infield

Barrister Dan limping along -- wondering how to sue Ralph for the Murnyak Strain. Or copyright it. Whichever.

Joel Smith showboating out in left field. Too bad Phil couldn't make it. (don't ask.)

Southsider tantalizing those old men with his off speed, and more off speed pitches.

What the fuck is an endodontist? And how can you hit a triple and end up on second base?

Wendell Kim.

Doc Rav with pom poms cheering you on...waiting for the real fantasy camp to start. How's that for an oxymoron? Real fantasy camp.

Sid Bugle (anagram for Bud Selig) eating dinner.

The images of a real good time.

Here's what we were not told. Who won? Assuming we heard Raker's batting average and not much else tells me that you went 1 and 3.

more later. or not.



Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that Raker actually had an extra base hit or two, and "I love my stats" Schmitty was the king of the ground ball with eyes. I didn't hear about thewin loss record, either, which smacks of 1-3 or at best 2-2. I feel bad for wavin Wendell. He tried to get me to score from the bleachers durng Mark Decarlo's wedding weekend.

Anonymous said...

Nobody scored on Mark DeCarlo's wedding weekend.

Anonymous said...

The Bash Brothers at 2009 Camp are 0-6

See what happens when the the Raker and Ground Balls with Eyes don't show up

Anonymous said...

1-3, but the scores are of least priority. We had a good time and wish all you other clowns were there.

Salzeider can make the best of them look bad, he is nasty at any age.

Did I mention striking out a guy on my 'fastball' and then hearing him in the dugout, 'he got me on a changeup'. I was already laughing seeing that he was out in front of my heat, er luke warmth.

And edodontist specializes in root canals, and you end up on second when you hit an apparent triple and you are slow, or the guy running in front of you is 65 years old and just had a hip replacement- at that point you only end up at second base even though it looked like a triple coming off the bat.