Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The voters have spoken and therefore I will begin to post the Sherm Book Review Blog. I will not charge you for this. I could. I should. I will not. I am that kind of person.

Just for fun, tell me what you are reading now (no, not the blog. I mean what "book" you currently have on your bed stand, or wherever you keep what you are reading "now".) I am reading "Father and Son" by Peter Maas, and so far, it is pretty decent. I am also starting "The Screwtape Letters" by CS Lewis, both for fun, and a little bit of research for the book I am writing. More on that later. On deck? "Sins of the Assassin" by Robert Ferrigno. No relation to Lou. Not even pronounced the same way. It's a sequel to "Prayers for the Assassin" which is unbelievably good. And plausibly scary. I recommend it. I will review it later when I get to authors whose last name starts with the letter F.

If you have some all time favorite books, tell me that, too. Give me a feel for what you like to read.

Baseball news: Zambrano looks good. Taking care of business this year with his trap shut. Good. Hill looks like the weak link in the rotation thus far. If so, put him in long relief and ride Leiber and Dempster as long and hard as you can. That's figurative, Smitty. Quit the giggling.

Nothing on Pie today. I'm out of nut comedy for the time being.

Yankees signed Billy Crystal, so there's still hope for Mark. Apparently there is a market for aging comics with limited playing ability. Work on the arm, though, Mark. Got to put some zip in those throws. I remember when Mark and Juan Pierre had a throwing contest and they both tied for third. They couldn't play catch in a hallway. I can write all this because Mark obviously doesn't read this blog. So it's our secret. I wonder who will sign Bob Saget?

Time for work. Or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

unfortunately, I really like Billy Crystal, so I can't say too much bad about him getting to play in the bigs. Lately I've been reading the John Rain series by Barry Eisler...any thoughts?