Friday, March 28, 2008


I feel bad. I'm only blogging sporadically. Doc is in Vegas. Mojo is back from Ahoe.

So, before I leave for the weekend -- here's a book recommendation. Good luck finding it, but if you do -- it is worth the hunt.

Shike. By Robert Shea. Actually two books. Shike: Time of the Dragons, and Shike: Last of the Zinja. Don't let the titles fool you. It's in my top ten. Probably even top two. Maybe top.

Historical fiction set in Japan in 1200's. Out-freaking-standing book. Trust me on this, and you'll trust me always. Make sure you read them in order. Time of the Dragons is first. Don't bother looking for hardcover -- you won't find them under $100 each in good condition. Go to used paperback stores, or try or You will find decent paperbacks. And you will love these. I promise. I'd do more of a review but I don't have time. You are lucky to get this. I will write more about it next week. If I still want to.

Go Cubs. Kublai Khan was a Cub fan. I'm pretty sure.

Read it.


Anonymous said...

Should have them by later next week.

Anonymous said...

Concur with your comments. I read both of these while I was in Tripler Army Hospital (Hawaii) with cancer in 1982. (Was actually medivac'd there from the Philippines.) Actually cried at the end of the first book (me a haze-gray underway, seagoing sailor). Had to scramble to get book 2. Still have the original paperbacks from 1982 and started looking for hardcovers in 2006. Found/bought Last of the Zinja several years for under $50, but have not been willing to pay $120-500 for book 1. Am on Alibris Book Fetch List and just got notice of a copy for $325. Historical fiction gets no better than this. This is one set that should be rereleased in hardcover.

Anonymous said...

Thanks...whoever you are, you have good taste in reading.

Have you read any other Shea material? He's written "The Saracen" another two book story, as well as "All things are light" from the Crusades, and "Shaman" a north American Indian story. If so...what did you think? I liked them all...none up to how well I enjoyed Shike.