Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, March 10

Thank goodness for Monday. Oh, wait, that' s not the expression, is it?

Cubbies looked much better this weekend. It'll be good to get DeRosa going again. Can Soriano run all out, or is that quad injury now in his head? Better question. Is there anything in his head, period?

Pie looks pretty good...wouldn't that be nice? 4BB and 5K so far this spring. Good ratio. Like to see that all season. I'd be okay with 100K's if he could also walk 80 times.

I am starting to think that Dempster might be okay as a starter.

This whole optimism thing is pissing me off. I blame Doc. No, not the dwarf. The Bash Bro.

So, how are we all going to coordinate going to a game this year? We should put Smitty in charge of that, since he's a quality organizer. And a little dopey. No, not the dwarf.

Daylight savings is weird. We shouldn't lose an hour. We should just have 25 hour days half the year and 23 hours days the rest. Not sure why. Is that even possible? Does anybody know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

Must rant. Want to feel Grumpy. No, not the dwarf.

More later. Maybe. Or not.


ps: not getting the "volume" of votes I'd hoped for on the book blog thing. Don't know why I'd expect more than three though, since I am pretty sure that only three of you ever read this. Time is running out. When the vote is over, I become the super delegate (whateverthefuckthatis) and decide which books to review. Or not.


Anonymous said...

If Soriano continues to baby his leg, there is NO WAY he should be leading off. A leadoff hitter who doesn't take pitches, can't sprint, and whose swing is designed to drive in runs is absolutely ludicrous. You can't be bashful on the bases as a leadoff hiter. bashful. It'd be dopey of Lou to keep him leadong off. dopey.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody really care? About time?
If so I can't imagine why....

Optimisim is a good thing as long as you are not cockeyed about it. and not in the bad way.

We still are likely to get Roberts, so Sorinao will bat 5th or so.
CR (not the dwarf)