Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I am again on the road -- so this post is a bit later than it should have been. It's not about baseball or the Cubs and if you're a first time reader, go away, it's not for you.

Dave and Missy lost their little one yesterday -- cb, as I've come to think of her -- and I cannot fathom the scope of that loss or their pain. She was the littlest member of our "blog buddies" team -- extended family in that way -- always on our minds, in our prayers and hearts.

Life is funny. It has a way of going onward despite our hurdles, challenges, tragedies and setbacks. It will for Dave and Missy, too, and especially for little Kendall who will bring them great joy in the years to come. She'll never really get to know her sister...with whom she shared a warm womb for almost nine months and a family for six. They'll tell her what a beautiful little girl her sister was -- and that will keep cb's memory alive forever.

I don't know God's plan -- but I believe that He has one. Somehow we all fit into it in a way that we will understand, hopefully, when we are together again in eternity. Courtney makes us better. Her life makes us better. I feel it. I never met her, except through Dave's joy -- at the anticipation of her and her sister's birth, the actual event and the pictures since that time. Her life, although too short -- was filled with love. Wonderful loving parents. Their family and their friends. Time is the gift that she wasn't given and the only comfort in that, if you believe as I do, is that our time here is short in comparison to eternity anyway -- and we know she's already there and living it up...still being loved and cared for; now she waits, patiently as life here rolls on.

Dave, I apologize if this is way too personal and religious -- I felt moved by cb the first time I saw her little face in the pictures you sent. A friend of mine told me once that he looks for the face of God in every person he meets -- I know I saw it in Courtney.

My deepest sympathies to the family, especially the parents, for their loss. I wish that were something I could say to help ease the pain. I am aware that there are no such words.

I'll probably pull this post in a day or two when it sinks in and I realize how personal it is. For now, without calling and bothering you guys -- just know that all my prayers and love, and that of my wife, are with you.

best to cb, always,



69 fan said...

Words can't properly express the sadness this brings, even though we knew it was coming, but I think Sherm, you did a good thing by trying.

I also extend my thoughts to, now 3 people, who I have never met, but have a place for in my heart.

Anonymous said...

thanks. that's all I've got. and I can type a heckuva lot better than I can talk.

Anonymous said...


Sherm summed it up. I could share examples, tell you all the things people say when these things happen, or send flowers.

Instead I will send you prayers and I will be there in spirit for you in the coming days. If you ever need to talk and I can be there just to listen.

I'm there, and send you a hug.

