Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In a fog

Still in a fog -- partly from the big party this weekend and partly from being in Central Wisconsin and literally in the fog. No, Wisconsin is not the second honeymoon. That will take place later this year someplace slightly more exotic than Eau Claire.

Thanks for all the nice wishes on thirty...especially the ones for Mrs. Sherm. I don't know why she agreed to marry me the first time. Second time? Obviously she needs to be analyzed. what's in the news? Bobby Abreu is an Angel. Big deal. Although for one year, 5mil...he might have been a nice addition to the Cub outfield. Too bad we are saddled with the Fukudome contract...

A-Rod. If I'm him, I'm pissed. I'm suing everyone in sight. Good for him for admitting it and apologizing and all that happy horseshit, but those tests were sealed and anonymous and he had an expectation that they'd stay that way. may not have been legal then, but it wasn't ILLEGAL.

Agree with you guys -- Fehr and Selig must take the blame. Fehr for letting it happen. Oh, yes, he did. And Selig for padding his owner buddies pockets and looking the other way.

Why can't they just put an end to it? Here's the deal. Everyone gets tested. Regulary. Results are public. End of problem.

Regarding the records? I don't really give a shit. Our society is based on statistics -- we like them. So who cares? Call the steroid era the steroid era and be done with it. Baseball fans thrive on arguments over who was better anyway...let it go. Besides, we all know A-Rod isn't the only guy who tested positive.

No Cub news. Can't do anything with the ownership issue. Now that pissed me off. Finally in a position to really put together a championship club and the ownership thing holds it up.

More later. Or not.



Anonymous said...

Steriods were and still are ILLEGAL as far as US Law is concerned, it wasn't explicitly banned by MLB but it is like cocaine, an illegal drug. US Law supercedes MLB rules.

They can't put an end to it because Donald Fehr and the players union refuse to allow blood testing under the arguement that the players rights are being violated if someone sticks them with a needle. Only urine testing is allowed. MLB, Selig and the owners have tried to get blood testing adopted into the collective bargaining agreement but again and for years now Fehr and the Union fight any blood testing.

Urine testing can only detect certain drugs and can not detect HGH. HGH is still undetectable under the current testing rules. Until the union allows blood testing the game can not be cleaned up.

69 fan said...

Drug advice from someone who is a medical doctor and studied this shit.

HGH is not detectable because there is no test for it. There will never be a test for it unless they adulterate the HGH. This is because Humatrope (HGH's trade name) is identical to that which is manufactured by our bodies naturally. The only thing that can be measured is the level of that hormone in your body. There is a HUGE variation in natural levels, and it is a very slowly assimilated and metabolized hormone, so levels do not have drastic swings. My point, It can't be tested for, regardless of if the union allows blood, pee, CSF, or intraocular fluid sampling.

As for the legality of Steroids, there is a huge brush stroke when the word steroids is used, Some of which are controlled substances, available legally only by a doctors prescription. Some however, are available over the counter. Most of the over the counter junk available at GNC will be useless as when you swallow hormones, or hormone precursors, the acid in the stomach breaks the stuff down to baser chemicals. Steroids of the anabolic type, are not water soluble, and must be injected, or pass thru the skin associated with a carrier. They can be obtained legally in other countries, I'm told, with minimal effort.

Interesting that Cocaine should be brought up, It also is a controlled substance, but not an illegal one. It is used widely in nasal surgery as it controls bleeding better than the alternatives currently available. Possession without a prescription (or controlled substance license (it's good to be the doc))is illegal however.

And now you know.

Anonymous said...

wow. Pre-med courses and info from a real doctor. You don't get this at the Smitty. I love how Doc Rav got a little dig in at our doctor of Optometric friend's expense.

The reason the A-Rod thing stinks is that he went on the record that he NEVER did it, and didn't own up to it until he was given no other choice (see Clemens, Roger and Bonds, Barry for other clear examples of this). The players union needs to be broken. Lie detector tests need to be administered and the fans should be told the truth. I will aways follow the Cubs, but the league as a whole has really lost me and a lot of others with this shit.

69 fan said...

You are gonna love this.

Lie detectors.
One of my pet peeves.

What they measure is 4 things, heart rate fluctuation, Blood pressure (and variation), respiratory variation and galvanic skin response (sweating). The idea is that someone who is being deceptive will be more nervous than some one who is not. The problem with that is that it is a sham. Heart rates naturally vary and not in a predictable way, but the other parameters can be affected by anxiety. But anxiety does not imply deception, the situation that leads to a lie detector is often the anxiety provoking factor.
I have a patient who administers polygraphs and swears by the things, but adds "when properly applied" as a qualifier. The academic studies on polygraphs show them to be just as accurate as a coin flip.

That being said, there is a circumstance where they seem to work well....Guilty stupid people.
If you believe that a polygraph can tell lies from truth, you will likely get caught if you lie (unless you use counter measures widely available on the Internet).
There is a famous case where a confession was thrown out as it was elicited but detectives putting a salad strainer on the head of a guilty stupid person that had a wire leading to a xerox machine. Every time they asked him a question, they pressed the copy button and it spit out a piece of paper that had "you're lying" written on it.

My professional advice on physiologic response recording... If you are guilty, take one, you are as likely as not to be shown truthful when lying (assuming you realize it's a crap shoot)as not.
An innocent person should run from a polygraph as they have only something to lose and nothing to gain. The reason they are not admissible in court is they simply don't work.

And now you know more.

Anonymous said...

I think you mean aqueous.

Even after the pre med courses the fact remains, blood testing and whatever else testing that is effective in detecting all this crap is needed and the union needs to get out of the way.

Point understood on the HGH. Where is the medically dispensed HGH derived from, synthetic, bovine, bad mojo ass juice?

Anonymous said...

or perhaps vitreous. anyway it's all humor.

(I kill myself)

Humatrope is made by E. Coli that have a gene inserted for the manufacture of HGH. This is recombinant DNA for those who might see the term on a stock portfolio.

I agree something needs to be done, but I really like the shrinking balls commercial. Education can go farther, lets get Lyle Alzado out on the school yard circuit....what's that... oh, still?... never mind.

Anonymous said...

All this leads me to believe their might be alot of unsolved missing persons cases on the western seaboard some of you might have had in and beaten the rap.

Anonymous said...

69 fan is busy looking for Lyle Alzado's real killer. He takes camp week off of course.

Anonymous said...

I studied for my Urine Test and
hit the toilet lid.

Does that mean I didnt
pass the test? I was singing I got the whole world in my hands.

Stand back I don't know how big this is going to get!