Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Trades galore

First, we trade Dick Bump to the O's for a BLT on wheat, hold the Hellmans.

Then, we trade little Vin Diesel to the A's for a couple of guys who wouldn't start at Fantasy Camp.

Which begs the question: why are we trading only with teams whose nicknames are letters? Vowels even? Nobody ever refers to the Yankees as the Y's or the Red Sox as the R's. Some people call the Mariners the M's. Why can't the Mets be the M's? Why isn't Toronto called the BJ's? Maybe they were when Dave Stewart was there. I don't know.

And, the more pressing question: why don't we ever trade with good teams? I'd think that good teams might have better players. Just a thought. Keep trading with shitty teams and you end up with shitty players. That's kind of why those teams are shitty to begin with isn't it? I mean, what GM wakes up and says "I hope to be a little more like the Orioles by the end of the day?"

I think Lou should step up and say "we don't need or want another starting pitcher. We have Sean Marshall and he's our guy. I'm giving him the ball every fifth day and he's going to win a lot of games this year." Marshall would be stoked. Then you do whatever you have to do to get Peavy, but it's a nice gesture.

Last year we wouldn't give up Hill or Pie for Roberts -- I'm not sure which one was the sticking point. Now Baltimore has both of them and Roberts. All we got in return was a discount coupon for HomeTown Buffet for Lou. Once again, we held on to "potential" for too long.

It sounds like camp was fun, although I can't imagine it without me there. If I ever go again, I'll blog the entire experience. It'll be fun. Think Randy offers a blogger discount? I'll do post game interviews and shit like that. I'll blog during games. I'll blog while running the bases. It'll be crazy.

I'm thinking of holding a blogger fantasy camp. Bunch of guys sit around and blog all day, then shower. It'll be fun. 3 grand gets you in. Bring your own computer.



69 fan said...

only one scenario makes any sense, somebody wants these parts we are assembling, though I'm not sure what kind of a team actually covets this flotsam for which we have dispersed the future of yesteryear. We would like to think it's the Padres who want all this crap, but I'm not so sure. The guys who were out of options and were not going to make the club (Hill, likely Pie) had little value as is, Cedeno made the team last year, but perhaps A Miles is his replacement. Wertz will not be missed.
But if you were to have bundled all that we have jettisoned....Hill, Pie, Cedeno, Wertz, Derosa. What you have is half a decent team, and cheap, Pretty much MORE than the Padres asked for in December. Fuck they already have Hank White cheap.

I don't know what the Fuck is going on, but it had better be something.

Anonymous said...

On another note....watch for former UIC closer Dave Cales to make a HUGE name for himself in spring training. He'll likely start the season at hiA or AA, but the kid has ridiculous stuff, and is just learning to pitch at the pro level. He was a 2b at UIC, and closed because he has filthy stuff. I've seen him pitch in person. The real deal. People in the know tell me he's the best player out of UIC since Granderson. Hope Chummers doesn't wreck him, too.

shermrants said...

Couple of comments to your comment, Doc.

1. You said fuck twice. I like it when Doctors talk dirty.

2. Regarding flotsam. There is a technical difference between that and jetsam: jetsam has been voluntarily cast into the sea (jettisoned) by the crew of a ship, usually in order to lighten it in an emergency; while flotsam describes goods that are floating on the water without having been thrown in deliberately, often after a shipwreck. So, I'm kind of hoping now that we are not witnessing a shipwreck. At the very least, we've voluntarily cast these characters into the waters (what is the emergency? Your guess is as good as mine.)There is also a third option: fucksam, which indicates the deliberate trading of known imbeciles to below average teams. This applies to all except DeRosa, whom I believe was traded by accident. (Causing a fourth phenomenon known as Oopsam.)

shermrants said...

On a related note to the other note, watch for former IUD closer Tiny Coyles.

Anonymous said...

how come the Padres can get a new owner in less than two weeks and it takes the Cubs a year AND fucks up our offseason spending?

Anonymous said...

poor Weurtz, he spends all his time jogging anxiously in the fitch park outfield while campers rake on fastballs, confident in the fact he has a one year deal for 1.1 and believes he's set for the cubs when ""BLAM"" he's not welcome anymore, shuffled across town, to the land of single vowels, the hallowed halls of Mcroid and Cansaynotdoit with statisticals nimrods at the helm,too bad. Word from the mouth of those knowing or at least should know is that the cubs do not covet the ma we call Peavey and do not yearn for his presence. We're all contemplating and hoping for this big move and all the cubs are doing is getting rid of those out of options if they don't make the big club and maybe those they've already decided won't. Don't hold your breath fellas. this team is set JA SALZEIDER

Anonymous said...

If all that's true...they were out of options, blah blah...

Why wait so long to trade them?

Anonymous said...

So doc fucked up with the flotsam? He meant jetsam? That's what happens when you try and speak over everyones head, people look shit up and find out it all is a bunch of bullsam.

69 fan said...

Mea Culpa.

Jetsam it was indeed that I meant to conjure.

Flotsam would be disastrously incorrect.

Fess up, who but Sherm knew the difference?

Fuck me.

Anonymous said...

And Sherm had to look it up to know the difference.

All the Dodger fans out here in LA LA land are ranting about needing to sign Manny. Flotsam them both I say.

Anonymous said...

Well, you don't move a cedeno until you have a reasonable replacement such as miles and cedeno probably wasn't going to make the team, you don't move a Weurtz or Hill unless you don't think they can make the team and you don't keep them to lose them on the wire once you demote them. You get something for them when you can! Plus remember someone has to want them also, Cedeno is a consummate underachiever. J A Salzeider

Anonymous said...

For the record, I didn't have to look it up to know the difference. If YOU'D like to remember it from now on, Mr. Shanary, try this little memory device:

Flotsam Floats (involuntarily in the water)

Jetsam was Jettisoned (thrown in the water)

Maybe then you can remember it, too.

And no, Smitty, it has nothing to do with the Jetsons.

Anonymous said...

Where did you here these words before, flotsam and jetsam? Are these boaters lingo or something? Or just words smart people know.