Friday, February 20, 2009

Oh, no he didn't

Really say it --

"When you're that good of a cake," Boras says, "it takes little frosting." about Manny Ramirez? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Plus he said that Manny is the face of the franchise. What the fuck? The guy was a Dodger for a couple of months. He's the face of an asshole.

If I were the Dodger's, I wouldn't sign him just because of those comments. Face of the franchise? Come on. That's like saying that Garrett Olson was the face of the Cubs. They could spend that $25mil more wisely...

Face of the franchise? You gotta be kidding me. Boras needs to have his ass kicked.

Well, spring training is officially on. That's the good news. Still nothing to talk about. That's the bad news.

More later. After Boras declares Manny "like religion, only better."



Anonymous said...

Boras is the face of everything that is wrong with professional sports contracts today. Him trying to negotiate yet another contract through the media is what is wrong with sports media outlets. A question for those whove seen Sherm's athletic prowess at 8 foot rim, a women's regulation basketball, inside Coors Canaveral...can Sherm make the dunk?

shermrants said...

Hell yes I can make the dunk.

I'm six feet tall for crying out loud. I can practically dunk on an eight foot basket without jumping.

Now. Bigger ball? Higher rim? No Chance. I was Nerf basketball champion of my room while growing up, however. Until my imaginary friend kicked my ass. But he cheated. That was a foul. No it wasn't. Yes it was.

Anyway, where was I?

Oh, yes, golf. I can hit a woman's regulation golf ball a long way. Might not go straight. But fucker will fly. That's a promise.

Here's the real question. Can Raker rake a homer off a mechanical Howry at Coors field?

Anonymous said...

I know I could take the real Howry into the tank at Coors. With aluminum.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, as shitty as Howry is at the big leage level he would sit me down on 3 pitches cause he still has some heat and I ain't touching his heat even if all the big leaguers do.

I am sure I could take Bad Mojo for extra's with a bat of any material pretty much anywheres.

Boras is the devil, Manny is the zenith of spoiled rich athletes out of touch with how good they have it, fuck them both. I hope no one signs Manny, let him lie in wait like Sosa and all the other juicers that will never get signed.