Monday, April 21, 2008

First place

I like first place. Now to slowly pull away.

Not much to rant about today. I wasn't even going to write anything, since I have a plane to catch, but I figured that I should post something in light of our sweep of the Pirates.

Okay, so it was the Pirates. As Bob said repeatedly yesterday -- you are supposed to beat the bad teams. They will improve as this season rolls along as there is a little talent on that club, but right now they really and truly suck. Ergo, we were supposed to beat him. Hopefully, the Cub offense is waking up and starting to click -- as opposed to just taking BP against a shitty staff. I'd hate to see John Maine shut us out tonight, because it could indicate the latter. We need to beat a few good pitchers.

Felix Pie looks overmatched in every at bat. He has that "I hope I don't hurt my testicle" look on his face all the time, too. Until he can get his mind out of his scrote and onto the game, I saw send him to AAA and let him bat until his other nut falls off.

I thought that Sean Marshall looked good yesterday. Just an inning, I know. Gave up a run, I know. But he looked confident, and in control of his pitches. I think he's "tougher" than Rich Hill, and might belong in the rotation. He's got that "je nes sais quoi" that a pitcher needs. Rich Hill seems immature to me on the mound.

Okay, so I've used ergo and je nes sais quoi. No place left to go now but Smitty's blog. Ah, yes, Smitty. The Doctor Seuss of bloggers. No, that's not right. The Sam I am of bloggers. Yes. That's it.

Anybody reading, or searching for Replay yet? I am pretty sure that I still have a paperback copy of it if you cannot find it and want to borrow it that could be arranged. Might cost you that single malt.

I'll be in Virginia. The state, not the woman. Stop it.



Anonymous said...

I suppose your blog isn't really a blog until the spammers say so. Enjoyed watching the 60 year Cub retrospective on el Tivo last night. It was nice to see all of the players and broadcasters gush about how great Cub fans are, especcially in light of Bitter Brennamann's rant about Cub fans and the Cubs in general. I am waiting for his apology/retraction. What a dick. Also nice to see Theroit execute the hell out of that hit and run yesterday. It is the kind of play that Lou has never been able to put on because the Cubs seem to never execute. Also great to see Dempster laying down perfect sac bunts. Take it from the HS coach, that shit will win you 10 game sa season. I'll take that borrow, since the lending business is in the shithouse, and $10 for a paperback might be overspending at this point. Especially since I already overspend on single malt. An upcoming single malt rant should be in the works.

Anonymous said...

U got a hug from a spammer.
Your on top of the world.

69 fan said...

So now inantimate household appliances have blogs?????
I may need to rethink the cosmic importance of all of this

Anonymous said...

isn't a fan a household appliance, too?