Friday, May 23, 2008

strange things happen on off days

Like Doc can spell ecdysiast correctly, but little else.

Like Smitty emailing and saying to lay off Edmonds, that he kind of likes the guy, and that he "has a puppy" for him -- whatever that means.

Like Doc Mike returning from the ether to weigh in on Edmonds. By email. Guy is all over xm radio because "it's the future" and cannot figure out how to access a blog.

Like Felix the Out hitting 1 for 23 at triple A. He's actually getting worse. Have you noticed that the Cubs have that effect on centerfielders? Why is that? Wrigley. Where centerfielders go to die?

Naming rights. It'd been fun to pool our resources and buy the Wrigley field naming rights. We could then change the name of the park depending on who came to play us. Imagine the "Cardinals Suck" stadium. Or "Milwaukee's our bitch" Park.

Out. JS


Anonymous said...

days off suck. Doc Mike agrees with me. Not sure if thats good or bad.

69 fan said...

Days off suck much more after a loss, after a win, you just want to get back to some ass kicking.
Great News!!!
Felix went 2 for 4 last night and raised his ave. up to .111.
M Murton hitting .336.
D-backs not so hot on the road.

Nice Blog today Sherm, varied and concise.

How about the toppic of insant replay. I'm in favor of autommated balls and strikes. It is harrd enough to hit a mooving pitch in the zone, it's blatantly unfairish
to be cheted out of a strike (or 3) by an umpyre whoz havin a bad knight. The tecknologie exists, use it. The umps preen all the tyme about "just gettin it wright", so let it be dunn.

NOW will you tell me how to spell check theze commments???

Anonymous said...

Re: spell check -- ask your ecdysiast for help.

No comments on the whole naming rights thing? Damn, I thought that was the best part. Other suggestions, perhaps? Changing names day to day even? Prince Fielder is fat stadium. Golden Sombrero for Ankiel Park?

DBacks not so hot on the road. True. Unfortunately, neither are we.

Doc Mike? Wasn't that a TV show starring Jane Seymour? Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman? Is that who you mean? I think we should hereinafter refer to our Doc Mike as Dr. Quinn. He doesn't read the blog, so he'll never know why, but we will. All in favor, say aye.

I would like to see instant replay for stolen bases. No one has ever really been thrown out at second since no tag has ever really been applied. It would be good to delay games while stuff like that is being reviewed.

69 fan said...

1 vote aye.

couldn't think of better names off the cuff, will mull it over.
Trib suggests Fukodome in center Hoffpaiur in right. Might be worth a look.

3 blind Umps park?

Anonymous said...