Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Off day

Nothing more depressing than the newspaper during the all star break. I happen to like box scores and one over a three day period is weak. And it's one that doesn't even matter. Yawn.

I am here in the Twin Cities (no, not where the Buss's live -- different twins) -- and will watch the game tonight from the comfort of a hotel room.

Saw ESPN last night doing some recap stuff on the home run derby (yawn again) and the upcoming game. I have one thing to say about that. WHOEVER DECIDED THAT ERIC YOUNG SHOULD SPEAK PUBLICLY NEEDS TO BE FIRED. What a moron! And he has a great voice, too. The lollipop guild must really miss him.

After ten minutes of listening to them discuss whether or not Josh Hamilton should have used a different strategy to try to win the home run derby, it dawned on me that I didn't give a shit.

I did hear that Clint Hurdle said his "strategy" for the All Star game is not to take Albert Pujols out of the lineup. He'll DH all game. More at bats for Albert. That's it. That's the strategy. Brilliant.

I hope that Cliff Lee is out of the game before Fukudome bats. He can't hit lefties anyway, and Lee will make him look real bad.

I hope it doesn't come down to Marmol having to save the game, either.

All this talk about the eight Cub all stars. Let's take a look.

1. Soriano. Injured. Really doesn't deserve the spot.
2. Wood. Injured. Debatable whether or not he's deserving. Too many give backs for me.
3. Dempster. Probably deserving, but can't pitch because he went almost 7 innings two days ago.
4. Zambrano. Deserving.
5. Ramirez. Maybe he deserves it, although he's not having his best year.
6. Marmol. Come on. No way. Should be on a minor league "get your head out of your ass" stint. (See Rich Hill)
7. Fukudome. Hitting about .280 with little power. Looks real bad against lefties. He's in because he's Japanese. Face it. Chicago fans like the head bands.
8. Soto. Deserving. I don't know if he deserves to start -- there are still some pretty good Molina's in the league...but whatever. He's had a nice half, especially for a rookie.

Theriot and DLee probably deserve to be there more than some of the others.

The all star game should be like the pro bowl. Played at the end of the year by the players who have the best seasons. Don't let the fans vote. Fans are idiots. Make it statistical.

Whatever. Go NL. If we make it that far, it'd be nice to have home field.



Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. I'd rather see ALL of these guys get a few days off heading into the rest of the season. The ASG lost all meaning when the extra inning game stoppage happened a few years back...no one ever came up with an exit strategy for the eventuality of extra innings. MLB is stupid where this all-star crap is concerned. Marmol being anywhere but a shrinks office is just wrong.

69 fan said...

Of all the major sports All Atar Games, baseball's has been the only one that has any interest. The break is nice for the players, but agonizing for the fans. I remember being pissed off that the game a few years ago ended in a tie, but there was at the time no logical reason for needing a winner. Perhaps the most agrivating was in the post game interviews where the players obviously didn't care about winning. For that reason alone I like the idea of the winner getting home field advantage. Althought that implies thast the managers need to play to win.
If you played it after the season, it would be like the Pro-Bowl, where most fans would say "oh, there was a game today?" and a lot of players would say "Thanks, but I'll just lounge on the beach".
They should cancel the Pro-Bowl, skip the NBA season entirely, and is there still an NHL, really?
The ASG is a tradition, and when you mess with that you get crap like the DH where guys with only half a game are encougaged to take roster spots from better athletes.
(little Boss can Fuck off).